English Partnerships has appointed cockney wide boy Charlie Parker as interim director of

Parker, who is being seconded from Enterprise plc, will work on the merger of English Partnerships with the HousingCorporation, announced in January.
This for the man who with his then mate, Sir Diddy (subsequently falling out over the split of the spoils) befriended all the Housing Associations in Liverpool and got them to board up tens of thousands of properties.
Parker, £150,000 a year Exec Director for Regeneration, gave Enterprise plc £180million worth of litter collecting and street sweeping contracts, before later joining them for a cushy job.
But while at Liverpool, Parker had first approved stopping litter collection and street sweeping in those same areas so that residents would be deliberately forced out by the deteriorating conditions, so that they would accept any old offer just to get out.
Parker then simultaneously struck deals with firms like Bellway and Gleesons to sell them the cleared sites for buttons - making them so happy that they all issued increased profit warnings to all their shareholders.
People are now really suffering as a result of his activities to get Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder in the city.
Demolition is everywhere - people are either affected directly or live very close to it. Others just drive through and wonder what the hell is going on.
All thanks to Parker, who was also instrumental in giving a job to the best friend of his second wife Ruth. Step forward the seriously incompetent Claire McColgan (for it is she, ed) who Parker gave a cushy job in Capital of Culture - to the utter astonishment and amusement of all his regeneration staff.
McColgan of course is now making a complete hash of being Robbing Archer's substitute.
Parker is famous for his spiv demeanour and deals - notably the disgraceful Beetham Tower deal. He was repeatedly outed on the now legendary Liverpool evil cabal blog, where dozens of people took the piss out of his crude cockney double-dealing. (I miss all those comments, ed)
Arrogant Parker is also known for his nauseating attitude towards women - he makes a crude habit of looking any woman up and down several times, before deigning to even speak to them.
Arrogant, rude, nauseatingly smug and infamous for talking regeneration gobbledegook which no normal person can understand.
He is a disgustingly selfish and nasty piece of work, without an ounce of honour or decency in his entire body.
Arrogant, rude, nauseatingly smug and infamous for talking regeneration gobbledegook which no normal person can understand.
He is a disgustingly selfish and nasty piece of work, without an ounce of honour or decency in his entire body.
At last someone has dared to tell the truth about Parker - warm congratulations. In addition, it should be noted that he is a self-centred, duplicitous bastard who uses people and then drops them when he has finished. I speak with personal experience. You may also be aware that Parker in particular was well aware of the cabal's plot to frame Matt Finnegan and had actually witnessed their conversations about this. Of course, he did nothing to help Finnegan and refused to speak out because it did not serve his own personal, narrow and selfish interests. This is typical of Parker - he has no morality whatsoever.
Didnt somebody important send him a bottle of fizzy pop and a note saying thanks for nothing and good riddance on his leaving do?
and he is a crook too
Pwease leave me alone I'M Weally nice when you get to know me honest!
Where is all the wuvverley dosh then?
The most remarkable thing about Parker was that he never realised how stupid he was. He thought he had the intellect of Einstein.
to Anonymous
You make him sound like Ispector Clueless
Parker is one of those totally insincere 'hail fellow, well met' types who will be a chirpy chappy when he meets and greets you and will then stab you in the back when the door closes behind you. He is a total wanker (particularly in his treatment of women) literally.
From this write-up here he looks like ideal senior management material especially in Planning and Regeneration for Liverpool City Council - has he sent his CV in?
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