He has written to Chief Constable Bernard Hogan Howe after the secret report by independent auditors, KPMG made 37 separate recommendations for changes in the way the city council deals with LDL.
Chief executive, Colin 'Cover Up' Hilton has already agreed to implement all 37 recommendations, admitting that LDL has cost city council taxpayers millions of pounds.
But he is still refusing to make the full report public.
Anderson has asked the police to examine why no action was taken

He has specifically asked Hogan Howe to look at the circumstances surrounding the level of charges imposed by Liverpool Direct, under the direction of chief executive Dr David McElhinney (the Liverpool rottweiller).
In particular Anderson is rightly concerned about the £200 PER INDIVIDUAL PHONE CALL charge made by LDL for handling education grant enquiries from the public.
This astronomical fee for every single phone call was imposed after the council's utter cock-up over handling education grants.
Interestingly enough, of course, Hilton was in charge of Education at this time. He agreed the charge.
Anderson is also keen to discover exactly how many millions (to the nearest £100,000 would do, ed) the contract with LDL has actually cost the city council's taxpayers.
His intervention is particularly interesting since, as well as Hilton, it also points the finger very firmly at former chief executive, Sir Diddy Henshaw and the smiling assassin, Halsall as well as former council Leader, Mike Storey.
They were all on the same watch when McElhinney was ripping off millions from the city council.
Why the cabalists should not be held individually accountable for the huge sums of public money lost by their incompetence, greed or corruption, (or all three, ed) is the question which no-one has yet answered, of course.
PS The

Hooray for Labour Leader Joe Anderson!!!!
Let us hope that this may be the WAKE UP LIVERPOOL call we have been waiting so long for??
Do you think this will make a difference to prosecuting Macca?
Will anyone take any notice?
Disgusting Thank Goodness for Councillor Anderson
well at least someone is refusing to let them get away with it!
Great to have this back. So it's not really the clean bill of health that the staff are being fed by the Council's Ministry of Information. Quelle Surprise !!!!!!
Go Joe! Labour have woken up, better late than nevr.
Labour have not just woken up they have been asking pertinent questions for more than 3 years. The ECHO doesn't report all that though!
If peopple still vote for the wet nellies in May then they only have themselves to blame.
Labour must have been whispering then!
It must be a conspiracy not only does the Echo not report their questions but neither too do official Council minutes.
The truth is that Labour have let the city down as well by not doing their opposition job properly hence Wet Nellies have got away with murder.
We might as well voted monster raving theyd have been better!
the greedy little porkers will soon be sausages i hope
Keep turning the (sausage machine) handle Joe
Liverpool Direct Limited now have their own web page, (external).
It is full of absolute lies and utter rubbish.
I need some time with my head down the toilet as I feel very sick at the site of it!
Doesn't look like these thieves will ever be brought to task!
a new contract for liverpool direct!!! has this city learnt nothing in the past few months. god help us all
you are indeed correct liverpool direct now have their own web site, which is clearly part of mcelhinhney's attempt to try and lure in naive customers to fill the gap which will be left by the city council when it bails out. there are nice pictures of sarah parr on it and colette hannay, but surprisingly none of the rottweiller, even though he is chief executive. obviously he has been feeling the heat and does not want even more attnetion.
he will survive whatever happens because he is a such a hard-faced bastard.
feel sorry for the people who have been duped into having their jobs transferred from the council to this outfit, which is dedicated to ensuring mcelhinney continues to enjoy the style to which he became accustomed with the city council.
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