The overbearing busybody turned into a private detective in his one-man hunt for Tony Parrish.
(Even taking a tour of those public libraries which had public access to the internet to try and track down our hero). (Did he claim expenses for this? ed)
The bumptious oaf, who is so pompous he makes Henshaw look positively modest, took it upon himself to become Colin Cover-Up's resident IT and email expert.
It was Marbrow who, so delighted with his computer prowess, decided to start meddling when the council banned the liverpoolevilcabal blog.
TP sent all the councillors a cheeky email telling them what Cover-Up was trying to keep quiet. And Meddling Marbrow then set off with his magnifying glass and deerstalker to try and track him down.
This was despite the fact that all of the revelations on TP's now legendary liverpoolevilcabal website had been presented by former Leader, Councillor Mike Storey in a huge dossier to chief executive Colin Hilton and new Leader Warren Bradley.
Clueless didn't have a clue about this - or that Storey and Bradley were gunning for The Rottweiller and The Smiling Assassin after discovering what they had been up to during Henshaw's evil cabal regime.
But neither Bradley nor Storey could control the oaf as he waddled off in pursuit.
"What do you think you are playing at, Marbrow" demanded an angry Bradley during an early morning confrontation. "All this stuff is true. Why are you trying to stop it?"
"I thought it was my duty," replied the self-satisfied sanctimonious old codger (he's 39, ed).
Inspector Clueless had no idea that Storey's dossier existed or that his dossier justly fingered both the Rottweiler and the Smiling Assassin for abuse of public funds.
The naive nincompoop believed he was coming to the aid of the much-maligned £150,000-a -year Exec Directors, who had conspired with Henshaw just a few months earlier to get rid of Storey.
Marbrow of course, did not know that all of Storey's allegations were true.
Even worse, he exhibited all the usual unthinking tendencies of all those who adopt the city council's customary siege mentality - to defend the indefensible, without pausing to make any rational or independent assessment.
But as his Lib Dem colleagues have remarked about Marbrow on more than one occasion - he is the least self-aware person on the planet.
Now we hear that Labour are out to get meddling Marbrow in the local elections in Kensington ward in May, where he has few friends and even less political allies.
And fireman Bradley will not weep any tears - he has already forecast fat boy's fall!
Never mind Clueless, your close friend, Colin 'Cover-up' Hilton, who praised you to the skies for coming to the aid of evil Henshaw, the hated McElhinney and the smiling assassin Halsall, may come and help you canvass!
With friends like this.... 5 comments:
Marbrow is such a stupid twat, i reckon he is out on his ear in May, no trouble. Perhaps we should start an all-party and non-party campaign to get rid of him? Will you lead us Tony08?
Rendezvous in Kensington on March 30 at 5.30 pm.
I am so glad you have outed that bumptious little oaf. Dr Death has spent months just pulling the wool over his eyes, time after time. and Marbrow is so pompous and full of himself, he thinks everything is hunky dory. moron. i wouldn't be at all surprised if huge gangs of people turned up to get him out in kensignton. that would be a real victory for democracy!
I'm sure my mummy loves me????!!!
but she wouldn't vote for you in a million years.